Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Three matching sets

We come in peace... Doesn't my set look like an alien in the first photo? Hahahaha... The first two sets are new trials, so be gentle...
:-)... As far as the third one is concerned, I had already made the earrings and I decided to make a matching bracelet as well.

Unfortunately, the color of the Bicone M.C. beads, which is Hyakinth as per the manufacturer, doesn't photo well. In reality, it is slightly darker and the contrast with the black wire is amazing.

For the second set I used glass chips in fuschia and light blue.
Last but not least, the bracelet I was telling you about...
You can also find me in facebook by clicking here. KISSes!!!



Καλά όντως μοιάζει με εξωγήινο η φωτογραφία. Όσο για τα σετάκια ψηφίζω το δεύτερο. Αγαπημένο χρώμα το μωβ και όλες οι αποχρώσεις του.

purpleleath said...

Ο άντρας μου το είδε και μου το είπε...χαχαχα... Φιλάκια!

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